Kaz Laljee Digital MarketingFor the last year or so I have been pretty much procrastinating about doing a podcast and then over the last few months I finally got down to committing myself to it. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love having a good chat about marketing. Whether it be discussing and creating strategy, sharing knowledge during a training session, while brainstorming or even while having a coffee. Of course, like anything worthwhile it took a lot of planning and organising to setup a Podcast. Everything from planning the content, deciding on the tech and software, and then finally selecting the channels to broadcast/host the Podcast. I have been lucky with the people in my network who I was able to reach out to get advice and most of all really thankful to the guests who have given their time to appear on the Podcasts. The first show kicks of with Ian Brodie and he gives fantastic insights and examples of how to get your audiences attention. The aim is to talk about a different aspect of Digital Marketing in every episode and give the viewers (YouTube and Spotify) and listeners real-life examples that they can take back to their workplace and/or business and start implementing straight away1 It would be very helpful to know how useful the Podcasts are to you, so please do take the time to listen and I look forward to your thoughts. As mentioned the Podcast is called: Kaz Laljee Digital Marketing It is available on all the major platforms, YouTube, Spotify, Apple and Coming Soon on Google.
See their Facebook AdsFacebook along with Google are two of the biggest online Advertising platforms that businesses are using to market their business. But the question is.... Who is Advertising on Facebook and what do their Ads look like? Well, this is how you find out. Watch this short video to learn how you can see what your competitors are doing on Facebook WITHIN 30 SECONDS and from the palm of your hand... Once you've watched the video, scroll down to learn how you can use Facebook Ads for your business. Facebook Ads for your BusinessHere's how you can use my 3-Step process to make Facebook Ads work for you. 1. Create Audience: There are over 3bn people who use Facebook Worldwide and over 40m in the UK alone. So, you can see how important it is to make sure you create your own audience, tailored to your business. You can't have a scatter gun approach that targets everyone in a geographical area or people who like your page. It's a bit more technical than that, and if you want to get more bang for your buck, its important get the audience creation right! 2. Identify Customers: Within your audience are your customers You will need to create compelling Ads that appeal to your potential customers. You need to make them engage with your Ad. 3. Convert: Based on the engagement of your Ad, this will allow you to identify your potential customers. This is where you convert and turn your audience into customers. If you want more information or need a hand setting up your Ads, you can drop me message here.
Anyone who can use a smart phone and access social media networks from their phone or desktop can in theory, do Facebook advertising for themselves. So, why is there a need for social media strategists, marketers, researchers, content creators, copywriters and others used when creating a social media campaign? When I first set my social media agency in 2015, one of the challenges I had was separating myself from the competition. Since 2010, when I first started using social media helping charities, local businesses and promoting personal projects, to 2015 when I took the leap to set up my own agency. The industry and the amount of companies/people offering social media services has skyrocketed! It seems as though, in addition to the qualified/experienced/professional marketers out there, there was new bread of social media advertisers out there, who had learnt to do it themselves. My challenge was to highlight my marketing background, membership of the chartered Institute of marketing and my general passion for marketing. However, the only real way to do this was through adding value! It's about results!When it comes to adding value, the best way to do that, is through results! What do we mean by results? We found, the difference between businesses doing social media for themselves or using us, was that we could urn 70p a click into 30p a click. That there was the value. If we go back to what I said earlier about anybody being able to use social media, I believe anybody could achieve about 70p a click. The question is, why would someone use a social media agency to get 30p a click and save 40p? So, now I had to consider adding value to a client. I did this by using a budget of £1000 a month, as an example. Using the figure 70p a click… That equals about 1400 clicks to their website. This does not include the amount of time they have invested and the opportunity cost of them running the Facebook campaign rather than doing working on parts of the business. The results!Due to the experience gained and other variables mentioned above regards how we as marketers achieve results… from the same £1000 budget we can achieve 30p per click. This may not immediately sound like a huge saving, but when you consider the impact it has… it means: That £1000 budget is now achieving, 30p per click and delivering over 3,300 clicks to the same website! It is also worth bearing in mind, to achieve 3300 clicks based on 70p a click, it would mean a budget of £2332. So simple maths would tell you, using an agency, has saved you £1332.00!!! This saving of £1332.00 is much much higher than any management or set up fee would be… So, straight away, the idea of using an agency suddenly no-brainer! Also, not forgetting the time invested by the business to achieve that 70p a click. This way, you simply tell us what your target is and what you want to achieve, and we make it happen. In simple termsRather than stressing the differences and the value I can bring as a theoretical discussion, I will keep it simple. Every click to the website will save my client 40p. The next thing to consider is budget and just 40p's I can save my client. More often than not, when clicks increase, so do sales... and when you realise something is working, it's only natural to want more. As a result. most my clients increase budgets and get even more bang for their buck! If you're not sure if you need someone else to do your social media or if you've not tried it yet and just need some advice, you can call me on 0161 410 4455 or if you prefer to message, you can do on Whatsapp or Messenger. By the time you get to the end of this article… You’ll be saying to yourself, well that’s obvious isn’t it? However, you may also say, due to my background and own personal circumstances… It would make sense that I would find it easy to market a value proposition in this particular sector. Then again, you may realise that you too can do it! When I remember back to my days at university studying marketing, we were always taught to understand the customer. What this really means is making sure that you are able to create a product or service that meets the needs of the customer. However, what I quickly understood was, even if you have created this product and have it at the right price… You will often find that people are NOT buying it. This will lead to questioning the product, the people you are working with and even your own skills. However, at this point you need to think about, what have you actually done to tell your customers that this product or service exists? Is it really enough to have a website? Does it suffice to simply open the social media channels? Is it enough to simply send existing customers emails/brochures? Then in addition to these direct methods… Maybe you’ve invested in Google Ads or and put your ads in a few magazines? Do you really think all this is enough to tell ALL your potential customers about your product or service? In many cases, yes this might be true… The above mentioned activities will mean people know about your product and you will make sales. However, the key point missed here is that we are expecting customers and potential customers to already know about our product. And in places where they may not know about our products, we are using magazines, and with magazines we really have no way of telling us exactly how many people have seen the Ad. Another methodFor me, the most important way to target your customers is through Facebook Ads. Before you think about what is involved in Facebook adverts. I would mention that the Facebook audience network… And 'audience network' being the operative word… Consists of 43 million people just here in the UK alone, with a population circa 65m, that puts Facebook in a very powerful position. Moreover we can use Facebook to target customers who are unaware your product and/or brand exist and we can introduce the product to them. This is possible due to the way Facebook allows us to filter behaviours, interests, likes/dislikes and many other variables in order to find our target audience. It's obviousYes, for those of you who don’t know me… I do have Multiple Sclerosis and use a mobility scooter… So, it could be argued that because of my knowledge of the industry, own personal circumstances, marketing background and involvement in social media since 2010; that puts me in the perfect position to be able to Market products and services to those in the sector. However, I believe it is something we can all understand. The Target AudienceIf we were to take things right back to the start. What do we know about people who may require products that appeal to independent living or people with disabilities? It would be a fair assumption to say that they struggle getting about and need some sort of assistance getting from place-to-place. So, as with any customer what do you do? You just make life easier for them and give them a solution to their problems. So, in addition to not being able to get about easily, you are now inviting them to come to your fancy showroom in some part of the country in order to view the product you are selling. Do you see the irony there? We are almost creating a problem to achieve the solution. There are so many groups, people and organisations on social media and especially on Facebook. People with disabilities are already engaging on there, so why wouldn’t you advertise on there? Why are we making it difficult for people? We have access to photographs, videos and technical information and we can put this literally in the palm of the hand of our customer. This is what we should be doing and Facebook Ads allows you to do this. SolutionAs mentioned at the start… The solution is simple. We use assets, such as videos, photographs and product information and put this within a post/advert and show this to the customer (highlighted above). I can’t really think of a simpler way of getting to the customer Yes, it’s great to have other advertising channels, attend events, use other forms of digital marketing… But if you’re not using Facebook Ads, you are really missing out. If anyone wants more information or some pointers… Feel free to give me a shout. WhatsApp, Messenger or call on 0161 410 1234. Last week, on Saturday 7th 2018 I once again had the pleasure of speaking to newly diagnosed patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in Greater Manchester. It is a speaking engagement that I fulfil a couple of times a year at the invitation of the NHS. The event, called, Getting to Grips is organised by the medical professionals of Salford Royal Foundation Trust, which is a centre of excellence for MS in the North. It is an information day for people diagnosed with MS and those affected by MS. They receive talks and presentations from Consultants Neurologists, MS Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, Well-being coaches and myself. The aim of my talk is to conclude the day on a positive/inspirational note. I speak to those attending and talk about my own journey with MS. I mention life before diagnosis, experience of diagnosis and most importantly I talk about the events that lead to me founding the organisation, Positive About MS. Positive About MS is an organisation dedicated to taking and can do and positive approach to MS. I founded it in 2011, after noticing that the information available to people with MS was very negative and talked about the condition in a way that takes away any hope and ambition the person with MS. I didn't think this was the right approach, nor was it fair and I decided that people affected by MS should also be encouraged to take a more positive approach, therefore adding some balance to the information available. Thankfully my talk is always well received and feedback very positive and it is a speaking engagement that I always look forward to for a number of reasons. In addition to sharing my experiences and having the opportunity have a positive impact on the lives of people affected by MS, it also gave me the opportunity to raise awareness of what Positive Abut MS does and how people diagnosed with MS can still have a career and something they can work towards. I talk about how, even after I was retired on ill-health grounds by my employer and told that there was no possibilities of being able to work again, I didn't accept this. I stuck to what I was good at and used the skills I had, the technology avail;able to me and my determination to setup my own digital marketing agency, Soc-Med: Social Media. This was because my academic background was ,marketing and at the time there was a new phenomena called social media, which I enjoyed using and was the platform I used to launch Positive About MS. So, together with my marketing background and years of use of social media, resulted in me becoming interested and having the ability to establish myself as a social media marketeer. The aim is to tell people that MS doesn't mean their life ends nor does it mean they have to stop dreaming and having hopes and ambitions. I want people to have a can do mindset. Yes, there will be things they can't do and things that may get more difficult with time. However, there will be things they can do and that's what they should focus on! |
AuthorThese articles are ones that I have written regarding my activities and experiences. |